


An excellent supplement to high-protein diets for people who want to maintain the variety of foods they eat and supplement the amount of protein they consume






Exceptional cookies, tender on the inside and crispy on the outside. They delight not only with their taste, but also with their colors and form. They can be filled with various creams. They are often served at elegant parties, weddings or other celebrations. Prepared on the basis of Uldo Meringue Cookies.





bulki laminowane Laminated rolls

Crispy crust, very soft crumb and high volume of rolls thanks to lamination. Extended product freshness due to the addition of fat. High crumb porosity and short bite. Prepared on the basis of Uldo Ultra Plus Durum.





foremkaPP Extra

An anti-spoilage preparation, preventing ropiness in the bread.





Ciastka Keto ze slonecznikiem i czekoladowymi Keto Cookies

Unique, low-carbohydrate cookies, ideally suited to the ketogenic diet. A healthy and delicious alternative to traditional sweets.





CHLEB JAK DAWNIEJ NA MASLANCE Bread and Rolls with buttermilk

Prepared on the basis of Uldo Old-style bread. Thanks to the addition of buttermilk, the bread has an unusually soft and moist crumb, has the unique taste of traditional home baked goods, and stays fresh for a long time.





uldo pinsa mieszanka piekarska Pinsa/ Ciabatta

Product for making traditional Italian bread like pinsa, ciabatta or foccacia.

It has a wide range of applications, perfect for snacks, sandwiches,which are an alternative to pizza.






A baking agent of simple composition dedicated mainly to bread production. It gives stability to the dough during fermentation and allows easy dough shaping thanks to its high elasticity. Ensures high volume and longer freshness of the finished product.





Power Maxuldo power max srodek wypiekowy

A low-dosage baking agent dedicated mainly to the production of rolls. It ensures dough stability and regular crumb structure and porosity. It imparts adequate moisture, improves freshness and volume of the finished product.






Wide application of the product: yeast cakes, challahs, strucels, croissants.

It has excellent taste, keeps fresh and moist crumb for a long time.






This is a unique low-carbohydrate, high-fat and high-protein bread, especially prepared for people on ketogenic diets who do not want to eliminate bread from their meals.





uldo ziarnus mieszanka piekarska Grainy

Mixed bread enriched with grains and seeds to supplement our diet. The combination of wheat, spelt and rye flours ensures excellent taste and long-lasting freshness.





Ciastka twarogowe Curd Cake Mix

A unique product, reminiscent of traditional puff pastry, offering a wide range of applications. Excellent in taste, easy to prepare.






A sweet snack that is perfect as a coffee accompaniment for a second breakfast or as a sweet complement to a meal.






Bread with sun-dried tomatoes, chilli peppers, garlic, basil and cumin, evoking Mediterranean flavours, perfect for a barbecue.





ULDO Chleb SlodowyMalt Bread

Distinctive bread with excellent taste and aroma, enriched with sunflower seeds, linseed and soy seeds.





Chleb jak dawniejOld-style bread

This bread is an excellent wheat bread which with its taste, smell and structure evokes memories of the traditional wheat bread baked by artisan bakeries years ago. 





Gruszka i Pietruszka Pear and Parsley


A unique bread created from carefully chosen components, containing dried pear and dried parsley which excellently enrich taste and nutritional values of the product.





niwny z orkiszem Harvest bread with spelt


A unique wheat bread, created thanks to a fitting combination of various flours, such as wheat flour, rye flour, spelt flour and barley flour.





Chleb Zytni z rozmarynem malyRye bread with rosemary


A unique rye bread enriched with rosemary and toasted onion, thanks to which unique taste and aroma have been achieved, thus maintaining the values of wholesome rye bread. Product based on Uldo GrillLOVE.




2abDear Clients and Friends, 


In June 2022, ULDO Polska will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the company. We are happy and we thank you for having bestowed your trust on us. 

For the last 30 years we have been your partner in preparation of various baking products which are highly appreciated and recognized by many consumers.

By working together, we give our clients the opportunity to choose tasty and healthy bread every day.

Thank you for 30 years of cooperation. 
Managing Board and Employees of ULDO Polska.




Bulki UkrainskiUkrainian rolls


Traditional Ukrainian rolls. They have a distinct taste and aroma thanks to the addition of coriander.




KRUCHE BEZ PSZENICY MALE RGBPremium Shortcrust Cookies


All-purpose shortcake concentrate.




GrillLOVE rozneGrillLOVE


Excellent bread for grilling and for daily consumption for breakfast and supper.




Chleb Ukrainski MUkrainian


Traditional Ukrainian rye & wheat bread. Excellent alternative to white wheat bread.




babka premiumPremium Bundt Cake


Extremely light, aromatic, fluffy and delicate premium cake of excellent quality. It has many applications, allowing production of cakes in various shapes, as well as muffins and layers for dessert cakes. 




babka premium czekoladowaPremium Chocolate Bundt Cake


Extremely light, aromatic, fluffy and delicate premium cake of excellent quality. It has many applications, allowing production of cakes in various shapes, as well as muffins and layers for dessert cakes.




bmf mBMF


Product for broad application: buns made using yeast, challahs, cakes made using yeast, fruit cakes, crescent-shaped semi-sweet buns. Stable during both the industrial and craft production processes, suitable for production in the freezing process. Remains fresh for a long time.




Chleb bez pszenicy NOWY MWheat-free bread Plus


Wheat-free bread is dedicated to those wishing to eliminate wheat from their daily diet.




Bulki z magnezem MRolls with magnesium


An exceptional bread, a source of magnesium coming from natural ingredients, thanks to which it allows supplementation of magnesium as a part of our daily meals. In addition, the bread is enriched with black rice, popular in Asian cuisine, which imparts an excellent taste and aroma as well as an appetising appearance to the bread.




YTNI Z JABLKIEM MRye with apple


A popular rye bread enriched with dried apple. Thanks to the addition to the product of carefully selected dried apples, the sourish taste characteristic of rye bread and the aroma of the bread have been enriched.




Paczek Lux MDoughnut Lux


A premium donut, delicate and exceptionally aromatic, it has considerable volume and a high border, and is easy to make – it does not require the addition of eggs, is stable during the production process, is ideal both for manual and machine production, remains fresh for a long time.




Biszkopt J MSponge Cake J


A product with extensive applications, excellent for the bottoms of dessert pies and cakes and also for preparing roulades, easy to make, ensures considerable volume, nice colour and excellent taste.




Bulki z ziarnamiRolls with grains


Roll with the addition of soy and sunflower seeds, also containing linseed and potato flakes, has an excellent taste and appetizing appearance and remains fresh for a long time, both after baking and after freezing. The product has considerable nutritional value, is characterized by a low level of saturated fatty acids and a low content of sugars, and is also a source of dietary fibre and protein. 




O mega IG CLO!mega IG CL

A product with a Glycemic Index extremely low for bread, only 33.9, rarely encountered before now among traditional breads available in the market. Additionally, the product has a high level of valuable Omega-3 acids and is also the source of additional superior nutritional value – low levels of saturated fatty acids and sugars, sources of vitamin E, iron, zinc and potassium, high levels of dietary fibre, protein, phosphorus, magnesium and copper.




Tuzin ZiarenGrain's dozen


Black rice has recently been bursting into the top of the healthiest products in the world, and Grain's dozen is an innovative bread with black rice on the market. The addition of the noblest of all rice varieties makes the product incredibly fresh. After a week, the bread is still tasty and moist inside. Black rice is high in fibre and has one of the highest levels of antioxidants in any known food. The use of black rice, and with it 11 other grains (sunflower seeds, millet, white sesame, black sesame, flax seeds golden, flax seeds brown, soybean, spanish sage seeds (Salvia hispanica), rye grain, wheat grain, pumpkin), makes the offer the richest in grains product on market.




Graham CLGraham CL


Especially tasty graham bread, with a distinctive flavour, delicate crumb and crunchy crust. Thanks to appropriately selected ingredients, the characteristic taste of graham flour has been emphasized, which makes this bread an excellent alternative to the popular wheat bread. GRAHAM is also an excellent source of superior nutritional value thanks to which the daily diet becomes a healthy pleasure for the entire family.   




Bulki pszenno zytnie z kielkami Bread with rye germs 


Excellent bread with a distinctive taste, with the high rye germs content so much appreciated by those who care about a differentiated and balanced diet.






Unique bread with distinctive taste and flavour created by addition of dried pepper, chilli pepper and aromatic herbs (basil, oregano and thyme) in appropriate proportions. It has excellent taste, delicate crump, crisp and flagrant crust, providing an alternative to the typical wheat bread.




Florentynka JProfit Florentine

A mix for popular cookies with seeds and other additives.







Efficient baking agent from the Clean Label group, extending freshness of each bread. The product considerably extends freshness of bread which, with appropriate protection, will not lose its softness or taste values for min. 14 days. Dedicated particularly to mixed bread, although it clearly improves freshness also of wheat and rye bread.  




Chleb Kozacki poziom mCossack Bread 


Product inspired by a traditional bread from Ukraine. Extremely tasty mixed bread with crispy and cracked crust, compact and moist crumb, maintains freshness for a long time. Content of prune preserve excellently enriches flavour of the bread, giving it a characteristic taste. In addition, the product is an excellent source of precious nutritional values




zlocisty plusGolden Plus


Unique wheat bread with features typical of rye bread, such as a compact and moist crumb and long-lasting freshness. Using flour obtained from special grinding gives excellent taste to the bread, additionally enriched by the addition of potato flakes and fennel flower. Excellent alternative to typical wheat bread for persons appreciating both wheat bread and rye bread.




Drozdzowka bez cukruYeast bun without sugar

A yeast bun like no other!  
Unique product for baking various yeast pastries, such as yeast buns, croissants, challahs, strudels and a variety of other products. The feature distinguishing the product is lack of sugar in its composition which is replaced by inulin. The finished product has excellent taste, a delicate crumb and a tasty crust.





Delicate cheese mass with distinctive taste and broad application. Product for universal application, it can be used both as filling for yeast buns and as an addition to other sweets, and also for production of cheesecakes and other cakes.It is characterised by considerable stability, guaranteeing repeatability of products, it does not reduce its volume during baking, it is suitable for dosing machines and also for freezing. 




beza malaExtra Meringue

Snow white meringue for universal application. Product very easy to prepare and apply, for various sweet baking products. It has excellent taste, does not absorb water, thanks to which it remains crispy for a long time, it is characterised by a uniform smooth structure. 




Fresco Plus Premium Profit MFresco Plus Premium Profit

Extremely efficient baking agent for wheat and mixed bread from the Clean Label group. It is excellent for baking breads and rolls. It makes it possible to obtain high volume bread products which are characterised by a crispy and nicely coloured crust and a delicate crumb with homogenous porosity. In addition, it considerably prolongs the freshness of the product to as long as five days. The baking agent is characterised by low dosage levels, it is excellent for both manual processing and machine processing.           




master mMaster Plus

New generation baking agent for mixed bread products. It makes it possible to obtain a significantly higher volume of the finished product and also prolongs its freshness. It increases the water absorbability of the dough which is favourably reflected in production economy. The baking agent is excellent for both manual processing and machine processing.




rzigWholemeal rye bread IG

This product is dedicated to everyone taking care of their health, in particular to people with diabetes and those who are overweight and obese.

A unique bread prepared on the basis of rye flour, characterised by a low Glycemic Index of 44,40 – this is an index indicating the rise of glucose concentration in the blood after consumption of a given product. 




pano vegano Pano Vegano Premium Profit

A unique vegan bread, without yeast, created for active persons. The appropriately selected ingredients of the product provide valuable nutrition and ensure a sense of satiety. The richness of the grains and seeds also ensures excellent taste, thus making the meal a pleasure. This is a perfect snack for everybody taking care of their health, and in particular for active persons. 




c sOnion and scallions

mixed bread with excellent taste, created thanks to enrichment of the product with dried vegetables which ensure excellent taste and nutritional value. 

Thanks to the addition of such dried vegetables as onion and scallions in appropriate proportions, a visually attractive bread, with distinctive taste and flavour, is obtained, making the meal a real pleasure.




%C5%BBytnie%20z%20Warzywami%20m Rye with vegetables

Unique combination of rye bread with dried vegetables thanks to which original, tasty and aromatic bread with excellent nutritional value is obtained. Addition of dried vegetables in appropriate proportions: carrot, beetroot, pepper, onion, scallions and garlic enriches the rye bread so much valued by the consumers.            




chleb%20z%20pieprzem Bread with pepper

Extremely tasty combination of popular mixed bread with black pepper and cheese which give it unique and very expressive taste and flavour. Finished product is characterised by delicate and springy crumb and crunchy crust, it also has an attractive and unique appearance which provides an excellent alternative to the typical wheat bread.    




ACTIV%20M Activ Premium Profit

Activ is a tasty combination of dense and moist crumb with a crispy crust, enriched with maize groats and potato flakes. This product ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time, with rich nutritional values, making it a perfect snack for active people.





bursztynowy Amber Bread Premium Profit

Amber bread is a unique mixed bread, which thanks to the use of carefully selected ingredients, including flour obtained from special milling, is characterized by a compact and moist crumb, so characteristic of rye bread. Also, enriching the product with a sprinkle containing, among others cumin, garlic, and spices, creates a delicious and aromatic whole.





foremka Bread with grains Premium Profit

The bread with grains is a mixed bread with carefully selected ingredients. Also, it was enriched with sprinkles of various grains, thanks to which a delicious whole was obtained. It's a great meal offer every day for the whole family.





marchew Carrot Cake Premium Profit

Aromatic Carrot Cake with the addition of dried carrot, giving the product a delicate color and a distinctive carrot flavor. A product with an extensive application, perfectly suitable both for cakes of various forms, as well as desserts tops.  





f Farmer’s Bread Premium Profit

Farmers' bread is rye bread with the addition of minced tomatoes and roasted onions. The characteristic acid taste and aroma are an excellent alternative to wheat bread. Also, the content of vegetables distinguishes this product from typical rye bread.





bm Milk Rolls Premium Profit

A product with a very wide application, for the production of a diverse assortment of buns, croissants, challah, cakes, and yeast dough as well as many other products. Baked goods are characterized by a delicate and elastic structure and excellent taste and aroma.





orkisz Spelt Graham Premium Profit

Spelt Graham is a bread made from a combination of various flours, like wheat flour, whole grain wheat spelled, wheat graham, rye flour, and soy flour. Thanks to the appropriate mix of many ingredients, a product with an excellent taste and nutritional values were obtained.





posypka Topping Activ Premium Profit

An original-looking bread sprinkle, prepared from a combination of the appropriate proportions of cornmeal and potato flakes. The sprinkle perfectly complements the finished product both in taste and visually.





bu%C5%82ki%20mleczne%20lux Milk Rolls Lux

Multi-purpose product for yeast cakes, with an extensive use. Through appropriately selected ingredients, it is possible to obtain any shape and form of the finished product, including traditional buns, croissants, braided sweet white bread, fruit cakes, with great taste and delicate aroma.





kruche%20lux Crisp Lux

The multi-purpose product, with a vast use. A right composition of ingredients enables the production of both typical sweet products, like shortbreads or pastry tops, but also various kinds of pies, ensuring the appropriate durability of the finished product, excellent taste, and structure.





volummax Volume Max

A modern baking agent with 0,5% dosing and multi-purpose use.This product can be used for the production of various pieces of bread, both small pieces of bread of multiple shapes, baguettes and bread loaves.





Bu%C5%82ka%20z%20chrzanem%20i%20burakiem Horseradish and beetroot rolls

Excellent in taste, enriched with dried vegetables. Exceptionally tasty combination of favorite wheat bread with dried vegetables, such as horseradish and beetroot. 





Bu%C5%82ka%20z%20aroni%C4%85%20i%20wiesio%C5%82kiem Chokeberry and evening primrose rolls

A unique mixed bread, with the addition of chokeberry and evening primrose. The product is made in a combination of various flours, such as wheat flour, spelled wheat flour, rye flour, as well as evening primrose flour.





Czekoladowe%20Profit Profit Chocolate

Strongly chocolate cake at a reasonable price. A wide range of use product, perfectly suitable for the production of a variety of sweet pastries, including dessert cakes and favorite muffins.





Frost%20Extra Frost Extra

A modern baking agent for deferred growth. Offers even longer mixture keeping while maintaining the volume and guarantees its high stability after being removed from the cold storage.





Piernik%20PROFIT Gingerbread PROFIT

Traditional gingerbread with a dark color and a delicate spicy flavor and aroma. It has extensive use, works perfectly in the form of cake base.  





Dro%C5%BCd%C5%BCowe%20Fresh Yeast Fresh 10%

Product with a low dosage and extensive use, also adapted to deferred growth. Enables the production of a variety of semi-confectionery yeast assortments such as, buns, croissants, challahs and other.





Pszenne%20Fresh Wheat Fresh

A baking agent with 1% dosing, for wheat bread. Extends the freshness of the product up to 4-5 days, it is suitable for manual and machine processing.





pieczywo%20wysokobia%C5%82kowe High protein bread

Exceptionally tasty, high-protein bread, with the addition of numerous grains, such as flaxseed, soy, sesame and sunflower seeds. Properly selected ingredients allowed it to obtain bread with a high protein content, which is a perfect high-protein diet supplement, and at the same time tasty and delicate.





Warzywniak%20Plus Vegetable Plus

Bread excellent in taste being a combination of delicate wheat bread and dried vegetables, such as carrots, beetroots, pepper, garlic, roasted onions. Thanks to appropriate proportions of vegetables, bread has a delicate, sweet taste and looks attractively, making the product a very tasty alternative to typical wheat bread.





Bu%C5%82ka%20chia%20lux Chia Extra

Wheat bread enriched with chia seeds, thanks to which, excellent taste and nutritional values of the finished product were obtained. With the use of chia seeds, the product has a characteristic taste and is a source of valuable nutritional values, including Omega 3 fatty acids.





Bu%C5%82ka%20Mleczna%20orkiszowa Spelt Milk Rolls

A product with a very wide purpose, prepared on the basis of spelt flour.The ability to prepare a variety of assortments, both traditional buns and braided sweet white bread, as well, as a variety of pound cakes, cakes, and cabbage stuffing products.





babka%20truskawkowa Strawberry-flavor cake

A product with a wide range of use, for making a variety of sponge-fat cakes. The product has a lovely strawberry flavor and aroma, as well as the original color of the crumb, outstanding towards other products of this type. 





Babka%20o%20smaku%20jagodowym Blueberry-flavor cake

A product with a wide range of use, for making a variety of sponge-fat cakes. The product has a lovely berry flavor and aroma, as well as the original color of the crumb, outstanding towards other products of this type. 





Babka%20o%20smaku%20arbuzowym Watermelon-flavor cake

A product with a wide range of use, for making a variety of sponge-fat cakes. The product has a lovely watermelon flavor and aroma, as well as the original color of the crumb, outstanding towards other products of this type. 





POSYPKA%20PROFIT Profit Topping

Topping prepared from a combination in the right proportions of millet, sunflower seeds, flax seeds. 





GRYCZANY%20PLUS Buckwheat Plus

Aromatic bread with a high content of buckwheat flour that gives characteristic and distinctive taste and aroma of buckwheat. Bread is characterized by a delicate and moist crumb and it stays fresh for a long time.





warzywniak Vegetable

Bread excellent in taste being a combination of delicate wheat bread and dried vegetables, such as carrots, beetroots, roasted onions. Thanks to appropriate proportions of vegetables, bread has a delicate, sweet taste and looks attractively, making the product a very tasty alternative to typical wheat bread.





kr%C3%B3lewski Royal

Bread excellent in taste prepared from a combination in the right proportions of wheat, rye and soy flour, thanks to which a product has an original taste and aroma. What is more, the product has been enriched with an extremely tasty topping, which not only enriches the taste of the product, but also its nutritional value.





b%C5%82%20z%20kasz%C4%85%20jaglan%C4%85Millet rolls

Aromatic rolls with a high content of millet groats that gives the product a distinctive flavor and aroma. Bread with millet provides additional nutrients for the body, making it a great alternative to white wheat bread.





jupiter3M Jupiter Extra

Baking agent especially intended for mixed baked goods and small wheat baked goods. Gives large volume and long-lasting freshness of the ready product, and in the case of buns a distinctive sign.The appropriately selected ingredients allow one to obtain a product with a "clean label".              




chia%20lux Chia Lux

A mixed-grain bread with the addition of Chia seeds, specially designed for line production. Round, oval, and form-shaped loaves can be made. The product is a source of Omega-3 fatty acids, as well as other nutrients, and meets Clean Label requirements.  





orkisz%20plus Spelt Plus

A mixed-grain bread, specially designed for line production. Round, oval, and form-shaped loaves can be made. The product has a high moisture content, keeping it fresh for a long time, and meets Clean Label requirements.





B%C5%81.%20MLECZNE%20CL Milk Rolls CL

A universal product for the preparation of a variety of yeast raised cakes. Enables production of a wide variety of yeast-raised products such as yeast-raised cakes, croissants, Challah bread, Stollen bread, and others.  The ready product features a pleasant aroma, delicate crumb, and appropriately well-baled crust, creating an exceptionally tasty whole.





uldo 210 Edit Universal choux pastry

Concentrated choux pastry for general use. Enables production of varied baked and fried goods from a single recipe, including eclairs, puffs, croutons, Karpatka-style wavy pastries, nests, and others. Fried products do not absorb excessive fat, leading to better flavour.





Torcik%20bezowy%20 Discover new Sweet Inspirations from ULDO

Have a look at our new collection of our own, original recipes based on ULDO products. They are a simple and tasty proposition for every type of patisserie and bakery. 





ULDO%202017 08 030076 O!MegaKorn Rolls

Combination of perfect taste, attractive looks and valuable nutrients.  The rolls have special, slightly sweet taste due to the content of honey and other carefully selected ingredients.





Cereal Sahari

Original and exquisitely tasty wheat bread with the addition of different grains. It is a perfect combination of delicate and fluffy crumb with a crunchy crust.





Bu%C5%82ka%20Pradawna rob Ancient-Grains Roll

Aromatic wheat bun, rich in various grains and seeds, creating an exceptionally tasty and aromatic composition which retains its freshness for a long time.





Posypka%20Chia rob Chia Topping

An appropriately chosen composition of grains and seeds forming a structurally even topping with high visual variety. 





Chleb%20z%20Pradawnymi%20Zbo%C5%BCami Bread with ancient grains

A product prepared based on grains that were used for baking goods in the past: spelt, emmer wheat, einkorn wheat (small spelt). The ancient wheat provides baked goods with unique nutritional value and characteristic flavour.  A product rich in various grains, fulfilling the Clean Label requirements.





Chleb%20z%20J%C4%99czmieniem Bread with barley

Aromatic bread with a high barley flour content, an ideal source of Omega 3 fatty acids.   





Waniliowa%20Inspiracja Vanilla Inspiration

A universal product for baking sponge-fat cakes. May be used for making various sweet baked goods, including muffins, pound cakes and classic cakes with fruit and other ingredients.   





2 Frost CL

A baking agent intended for postposed baking, in the Clean Label version. Baked goods maintain long-lasting freshness, due to the application of innovative enzymatic solutions.





bulki Liquid Wheat Sourdough

Baking agent intended for wheat products (buns, bread, small baked goods). Ensures aromatic, tasty baked wheat products of long-lasting freshness, even porousness and spongy pulp.





Wezuwiusz Vesuvius

Clean label baking agent for bread and buns. A product intended for wheat or mixed baked goods, ensuring dough stability as well as large volume and long-lasting freshness of the ready product. Thanks to the appropriately chosen ingredients, it is ideally suitable both for artisanal production as well as on industrial lines.





Master%20ma%C5%82y Master

Baking agent giving baked goods large volume and long-lasting freshness.Thanks to carefully chosen enzymes and emulsifiers, the agent causes an increase in volume as well as lengthening of the baked goods’ freshness to 7 days, and in the case of use of pasteurization, to 21 days.





Ultra%20Plus%20Durum Ultra Plus Durum

It is a baking improver used for production of wheat bread as well as mixed bread, rolls, and baguettes. It is enriched with durum wheat acid and instant yeast.





Universal%20PROFIT Profit Universal

Universal baking improver dispensed at 0.5%; it is used for baking rolls and bread. High density and fresh products are obtained.





panettone%20cmyk6%20a NEW RECIPE! Panettone

The traditional Italian Panettone sweat bread has a characteristic crumb with an elongated structure. Special aromatics in conjunction with dried fruits (orange and lemon peel, and raisins) give the product a unique taste and fragrance characteristic for Panettone. Thanks to the use of a new recipe, the product remains fresh for a long period.





b%C5%82 Rye Rolls 100%

100% Rye Rolls made exclusively from rye flour. The baked rolls are tasty and aromatic, have a natural colour without the addition of malt, and retain freshness for a long period. Possibility of preparing the final product with any proportion of various types of rye flour, a Clean Label product. 





SOS PROFIT M Profit Sauce

A sauce intended for direct consumption, excellent for baking (does not scorch) and freezing (does not separate), and can be used for the production of pizza, casseroles, and other snacks.





ULD0 Ale%20Bochen%20ma%C5%82y What a Loaf!

Mixed bread reminiscent of the flavour of traditional bread which retains freshness for a long period.





C.JAGLANE RGB MA%C5%81E Cookies with millet flakes

Biscuits made from millet flakes, additionally enriched with brown sugar. Suitable combination of ingredients gives an exceptional flavour and aroma. Millet flakes mean not only taste but also nutritional values.





C.MUSLI RGB MA%C5%81E Active Cookies

A universal product which can be enriched with any additives, such as flakes, grains, dried fruit, nuts, etc. Combining the brown sugar and other ingredients in right proportions gives a unique flavour. Various additives make the biscuits a nourishing snack for everyone.





C.ORKISZOWE%20RGB%20MA%C5%81E Spelt Cookies

Exceptionally tasty biscuits with spelt flour as the main ingredient. Spelt wholemeal flour gives a unique flavour and aroma. A tasty snack which, thanks to carefully chosen ingredients, has a lot of cellulose. 





zamowy Castle Bread

Mixed bread whose excellent and exceptional taste is achieved thanks to the well selected composition of ingredients, such as flaxseed, sunflower seeds, soya beans, millet groats, sesame and corn flakes.





CHLEB%20MACIEJA%20RGB%20MA%C5%81E Matthew's Bread

Mixed bread that, thanks to well-selected ingredients, highly absorbs water. Stays fresh for a long time without losing excellent taste and aroma. Sunflower seeds and faxseed additionally enrich the product.





iStock 000003289925XLarge Pound Cake

10% concentrate for a very wide range of applications. Perfectly suitable for baking of puffy and moist pound cakes, muffins, pound cake bases. The finished product is characterized by gentle, moist crumb and it preserves perfect taste and aroma for a long time.





VITA%20B%20RGB%20MA%C5%81E Bread with Vitamin D


Innovative product made of ingredients with Vitamin D content having health-improving qualities. A valuable addition to our daily diet.





FLERYNKI%20RGB%20MA%C5%81E Florentine

A mix for popular cookies with seeds and other additives.





Posypka%20s%C5%82oneczna1ma%C5%82e%20rgb Sunny Topping


A very decorative sprinkle for decorating bread. A mix of: red millet, common millet, and black sesame. Bright colours of the sprinkle attract attention.





%C5%9Bwinka PROFIT Products


Products with a favourable price calculation!





Cukier%20Nietopliwy Non-melting Sugar


A non-melting sugar intended for use in confectionery decoration. Ideal for doughnuts, cakes, waffles, and other sweet confectionery products





MAX Maxus


A very efficient wheat bread improver from the Clean Label group. Guaranteeing stability. May be used on production lines for rolls as well as for artisanal production.







Thanks to a high content of corn flour and specially selected ingredients, corn bread with a distinctive flavour and aroma and natural colour is obtained.





BABKA%20PIASKOWA%20BP%20RGB%20MA%C5%81Y Wheat-free Bundt Cake


Exceptionally light, fluffy and delicate marbled bundt cake, prepared from naturally gluten-free ingredients.





BABKA%20CZEKOLADOWA%20BP%20RGB%20MA%C5%81E Wheat-free Chocolate Bundt Cake


Exceptionally light, fluffy and delicate chocolate bundt cake, prepared from naturally gluten-free ingredients.





KRUCHE%20BEZ%20PSZENICY%20MA%C5%81E%20RGB Wheat-free Crisps


This product was prepared on the basis of naturally gluten-free ingredients, with a very wide range of applications. Ideal for cutting out cookies as well as tarts and crispy pastry rolled out on countertops.





Torcik%20Cherry%20RGB%20MA%C5%81E Take a look at new Sweet Inspirations by ULDO


Cherry Torte and Raspberry Tart are next original sweet propositions based on ULDO confectionery products.





DSC 5835 Edit 3 Wheat-free bread


Wheat-free bread is dedicated to those wishing to eliminate wheat from their daily diet.





KULE%20ma%C5%82e%20rgb Quark Balls Mix


Delicate, aromatic quark balls with fluffy and moist crumb, easy to prepare, can be combined with various additions.





mary%20rgb Indian Bread


A unique baked rye bread which owes its name from the place of origin of its ingredients.





KREM%20KARMELOWY%20RGB%20MA%C5%81Y Carmel Cream


Dessert creme with a delicate caramel taste.





KOKOS%20RGB%20MA%C5%81E Coconut


A mixture for the production of sponge cakes with the addition of shredded coconut and coconut milk.





ma%C5%82y%20rgb Cookies with amaranth

Shortcake cookie mix. Prepared with barley flour and amaranth flour and enriched with chocolate chips.





SUPER%20FRESH%20 Fresh Plus


High quality conditioner significantly extending the freshness of bread.






Chocolate Cookies


Mixture ready to  produce of chocolate cookies.






Chocolate Muffins


Sponge-dough concentrate for the preparation of chocolate muffin.






 O!mega Bread


Unique mixture to prepare bread. Perfect source of Omega 3 fatty acids.






 O!mega Rolls


Unique mixture to prepare bread. Perfect source of Omega 3 fatty acids.





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Neutral Stabiliser


Stabiliser used with (natural or instant) whipped cream, birthday cake creams.








Dessert cream of exquisite vanilla favour with white chocolate note.






Pudding Cream


Thermostable vanilla cream.





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Whipped Cream


High-quality whipped cream perfect for filling and decoration of pastry.








100% concentrate for production of traditional Italian Panettone bread.





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Deferred baking additives that can considerably prolong freshness of the ready product.








Deferred baking additives that can considerably prolong freshness of the ready product.








Universal low-dose additive for buns and bread. It ensures stability of dough and large volume and long period of freshness in case of ready products.






Doughnut 15%


Extraordinarily efficient mixture for doughnut manufacture.








Italian-style wheat bread mix with distinctive crumb. Contains high-quality dried tomatoes that give the bread a unique taste and aroma.






Low-sugar Cookies


Low-sugar cookie mix. Awarded at Diabetica Expo 2013.






Bread for Her


A unique mix for preparing a functional bread, created for women.






Bread for Him


A unique mix for preparing a functional bread, created for men.






Milk Thistle Bread


Bread mix with a milk thistle flour.






 Yeast Bun


Mix for baking yeast cakes and traditional doughnuts.






Wholemeal Cookies


Mix for baking crispy wholemeal cookies.






 Choux Pastry


Universal choux pastry concentrate for making eclairs, cream puffs, sweet nests, Karpatka cakes, puffy pastry croutons, etc.





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Spelt Bundt Cake



Mix for baking spelt bundt cakes.





Rustic/Malt Rustic



Baking mixes for typical Italian wheat bread.



...more about Rustic
...more about Malt Rustic




Family Bread



Exquisite in taste, easily prepared and economical wheat-rye bread.










Concentrate for production of pound cakes with a highly moist crumb and exquisite taste.







Traditional Bundt Cake



Bundt and pound cakes baking mix.







Milk Thistle Cookies


Mix for baking scrumptious and healthy milk thistle cookies with silymarin.





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Golden Bread


This mix helps achieve long-lasting freshness as well as crumb typical for rye bread.





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Meringue Cookies


Mix for the preparation of soft and light meringue and coconut cookies.





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Classic muffins with rich chocolate flavor.






Chocolate Cake


Multi-purpose sponge-fat dough concentrate for the production of chocolate-flavored cakes.









Universal mix for various low-carbohydrate and high-protein bread products of approx. 25% lower calorific value.









Typical English wheat toast bakery products.





 Topping I Illu 

Golden Topping


Corn - rice sprinkle for decoration of all types of bread.





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