Business Partner and Bakery Expert

In everyday business operations, ULDO takes care of satisfaction of the Customers and their success in baking. Everything and everyone here is focused on the Customers' and Consumers' needs and expectations, simply because they are the basis of our innovative solutions. The success of our Clients is our success! 30 years in business have made us a bakery expert, perceived as an innovative company (our Product Research and Development department is an excellent example of such an approach).


ut        flaga

Products inspired by the traditional baking of Ukraine.

Chleb Kozacki poziom m

Cossack Bread - Козацький хліб

Product based on Uldo Cossack Bread

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Buckwheat bread, bagel, bagette - Гречаний хліб, бублик, багет

Products based on Uldo Buckwheat Plus

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babka ukrainska

Ukrainian Easter cake - Пасха

Product based on Uldo  BMF

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ytni Wiekjski. jpg 

Kiev Bread - Київський хліб

Product based on Uldo Rye Extra

 ... more

003 uldo  

Lvov Bread - Львівський хліб

Product based on Uldo Rye

... more 

Chleb Stolicznyj 

Stolichny Bread - Столичний хліб

Product based on Uldo Rye Plus

... more 







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